Friday, September 21, 2012

Quick hit at the start of the weekend

So, I've added a few things in the last couple of days.  Now, it is actually a net loss to my overall pile of lead - I got rid of more than 200 Chronopia models, all told, and added only a fairly small amount of Malifaux.   In the mail yesterday, I got a package containing the following:

Marcus set - painted table top
Rasputina set (table top) + December Acolyte (painted badly) + silent one (bare)
Von Schill set - table top
Hamelin set - in box
Ophelia set - bare
MacMorning set - bare
Zoraida set - bare

I'm missing one card (December Acolyte) - not a big deal, since I want to learn more of the basic crews before adding extra minions.  I'll order it, along with a couple of other things, in the near future.

I also picked up another copy of the Star Wars X-Wing game.  Now, with two copies, I can play larger games - at least everyone in my gaming group can have a ship now when we are playing.  I need to get some of the expansions - probably over the next month or two.

What I have not done much of lately is painting.  I have been assembling some things, but not any real painting.  I really need to get back on that wagon again - the year is almost up, and I am pretty far behind on how much I wanted to have painted by now.

Anyway, the long and short of it is that my collection shrank by about 200 figures.  So, adding in the Reaper and Relic Knights kickstarters next year, I should be just about even.

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